After hours (noun)
aeftcr awrs; rhymes with laughter sours
Definition: an unofficial fraternity party held from the hours of 1am on.
Attested: I first came across this term in my first few weeks of school. I was at my first official fraternity party and someone asked me where I was going for after hours.
Example: Even though I have an 9:00am class tomorrow, I'm still going to go to after hours.
Etymology: The origin of this word is pretty self-explanatory. Due to the rule no selling or purchasing of alcohol after 1am, most fraternity parties at Cornell go from 10pm to 1am. At one, after official party hours, all partying and distribution of alcohol must be kept quiet, thus these parties were given the name after hours.
- Rebecca Taylor

"Afterhours" (noun)
[œft •r•awrs]
Definition: A term referring to any partylike atmosphere that occurs after the bars closing time, in Ithaca the time is 1 A.M.
Attested: The term afterhours can be heard every Thursday, Friday or Saturday here at Cornell. I heard the word first when I went to a party at Delta Upsilon in August of 1997.
Example: "I am not going to any parties tonight, but after work, I am going to afterhours."
Etymology: The term Afterhours was originated by clubs in the 60's who would close their doors legally but still serve alcohol "afterhours." These clubs still exist around the country. Afterhours originated at Cornell in the late seventies at a local fraternity house. Delta Upsilon was on social probation for drinking violations. Since they weren't allowed to party they would invite bargoers back to their house for Afterhour cocktails. Now the term is synonymous with wild nights and fraternities. It is a social scene that mixes Cornell's diversity along with today's hottest music.
- Anthony Smulski

anti-fun (adverb)
[ae n t ay fun]
Definition: Simply put, anti-fun means the opposite of fun. It denotes that an activity is not only not fun, that is boring or worthless, but that participating in the activity results in a negative feeling that is best described as the "opposite" of fun.
Attested: Jake was probably the first person to use this that I know of, though it is unclear if he actually made it up. Since Jake first said it about a year and a half ago, I have heard many people at Cornell use the term.
Example: "I don't really like Tommy, because doing anything with him turns out to be anti-fun."
Etymology: The derivation of anti-fun is actually quite simple. Anti is a prefix usually meaning against or opposite, as in antipathy or antiderivative. Since the term refers to more than not fun, which would result in un-fun, for example, the anti is needed to denote the sheer opposite of fun that results from participating in an activity which is anti-fun.
- Matt Peller

ARME (noun).
[aermi] pronounced same as 'army'
Definition: Abbreviation for Agricultural Resource Management Economics, a popular major in the Cornell Agriculture and life sciences school.
Attested: I first heard this term when I came to Cornell this fall, and met students of this major.
Example: "WhatÌs your major?", "oh, I'm ARME"
Etymology: This term is simply an abbreviation for a major with a really long name. I have never heard of an ARME major at any other school, and can therefore assume itÌs uniqueness to Cornell. In other parts of the world, when one says ÎarmyÌ, others might assume that that person id referring some military study, which is certainly not the case.
- Amadee Meyer

"Arts and Crafts" (noun).
Arts--Ênd krÊfts; rhymes with "carts and rafts"
Definition: the nickname given to the College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University.
Attested: I first heard this term used in a sarcastic or joking manner by students on Cornell University¼s campus.
Example: "Oh, you are in Arts and CraftsãI mean, Arts and Sciences; you must really enjoy having it so easy.
Etymology: The phrase "Arts and Crafts", referring to handmade products, is a category of activities that is often stereotyped as being simple and easy, "dorky" and "geeky". Cornell is known for being academically tough, and the individual colleges within the university are constantly debating which one is easier and which one is harder. Arts and Sciences is the most general and basic college at Cornell (those undecided in their major also belong to this school), and therefore it has developed a reputation of being easy and unfocused. Students refer to those in the college as being enrolled in Arts and Crafts, almost always using it in a specific, sarcastic, or joking mentality. To my knowledge, this term is unique to Cornell University; however, if other schools had a similarly named college, with similar traits, it is possible that they have created a similar nickname.
- Alexis Mason