Okie's (noun)
Definition: A co-op dining hall located at Willard Straight Hall. A commonly used short-form for Okenshield's.
Attested: I first heard of this term during Orientation. The Orientation Counselors introduced the various places we freshman (since we had signed up for the meal plans) could have our meals. One of them recommended that Okie's had the best food in Cornell.
Example: "Throughout the week, I ate lunch at Okie's. The food is just great!"
Etymology: Although I am unsure about the origins of the word 'Okenshield's', I would expect its short-form 'Okie's' to be unique to Cornell. The word could have different origins. On the one hand, it could have come about because Okenshield's is a popular dining hall and Cornellians just want an easier and faster way to express their most-frequented eatery. On the other hand, since 'Okie's' sounds more personal, the Okenshield's workforce could have been instructed to say, "Welcome to Okie's, what can I get for you?" so as to appeal to the students and induce them to frequent the eatery.
- Alan Lim Tze Jiat

Orgo (n.)
Definition: Organic Chemistry
Attested: I first heard the term at practice when one of the girls said, "I just failed my Orgo prelim."
Example: I really wish that Orgo was not a requirement for biology majors.
Etymology: The term is an abbreviation for organic, although the final 'o' is a mystery. The class is said to be one of the hardest classes at Cornell, so maybe the 'o' came from the moans: "Org. Ohhh!"
- Lori Homa

Orientation Counselor (noun)
Definition: those friendly older students in red shirts, who greeted us and helped us unload our cars the day we arrived at Cornell. They also stuck around for the rest of the week, guiding us and answering our questions
Attested: I first encountered this term when my father pulled his car into the circle in front of High Rise Five. Two people in red shirts immediately showed up to help unload, and the words written on their shirts said "orientation counselor."
Example: "I'm thinking of being an orientation counselor next year, and coming back a week early to help the poor, helpless freshmen who do not know their way."
Etymology: In my experience, this term is unique to Cornell. Most other colleges have terms similar to it, such as Orientation Leader. However, maybe ours is different because the people actually counsel us. They had a meeting with us the first night to answer all our questions, and suppress any qualms. The term Orientation Leader could describe them also though, because they were in charge of many of the orientation activities. No matter what you want to call them, it is a good thing that they exist. For if it weren't for them there would probably still be many lost, confused freshmen wandering around campus not knowing what is going on.
- Tejal Shah