Wegmans (noun)
rhymes with Trumans; /wE@gm¥nz/
Definition: It is the name of the most popular supermarket located in Ithaca.
Attested: I told a friend at Cornell that I was running out of supplies such as food and hygeine products. He suggested that we go to Wegmans the following weekend. He then explained to me that it was a large supermarket in Ithaca that would have everything I needed.
Example: "I need to buy some things so lets go to Wegmans this weekend."
Etyomology: It would be very difficult to find a person on the Cornell University campus who did not know this term. Someone once told me, Wegmans is a way of life here. In essence, the best place to buy groceries in Ithaca area is Wegmans. I am not aware of the derivation of this term but would guess that it is the family name of the stores owner.
- Brian Montenegro

Womyn's Center (noun)
Wom-en /wim'in/ rhymes with "omen"
Definition: Dictionary definition of Women: an adult human female; femininity. Balch's definition of Womyn: the female frontier locate din Balch Hall.
Attested: I first encountered the word Womyn's a week after I moved into Balch Hall. I noticed it while getting on the elevator.
Example: "Can you rent a VCR from the Womyn's Center?"
Etymology: Are you looking for Romance, power, health, and entertainment? Then the Womyn's Center is the place for you. Located next to the Unit 2 Lounge at Balch Hall, the Womyn's Center offers textbooks and novels for discounted prices. One can even get free magazines. Other items for rent include: games, videos, VCR, magazines, and books. Located in the Womyn's Center is a Junk Food CafÅ, where juju fish is sold.
- Andrea Sakyi

Work-Study (noun)
/w¥rk stñ@di/
a program for students that allows them to pay for college tuition by working.
I first encountered this term when I was filling out the application for Cornell.
"Do you want work-study to help pay for your tuition?"
I think that this term probably came about because of the need for a term of 'working while in college.' This term basically describes the program in a concise way. I think that this term does exist outside of Cornell. However, this term is probably confined to colleges and universities, because it pertains to college.
- Jessica Robertson