Noyes (noun).
rhymes with noise; /noyz/
I. Definition: Abbreviation for the Noyes Community Center located on West Campus at Cornell University.
Attested: I first encountered this term on my first day at Cornell. I asked where I could get information on connecting my computer to the Internet and was told to go to this location.
Example: "I am going to Noyes to check my mail."
Etymology: I have not encountered this term outside of Cornell University. This term, however, is a common example of how different locations at Cornell University are referred to in condensed versions. One another example might be Goldwin. This term is referring to Goldwin Smith Hall. Derivation of the term Noyes is self explanatory in that it is a condensed version of the Noyes Community Center. The Noyes Community center contains basic services such as groceries, food, and mail for students living on West Campus.
- Brian Montenegro
II. Definition pejorative name given to music emanating from speakers in Jansens Dining Hall, located in Noyes Community Center, as in noise (pun)
Attested: I'm not sure whether the first time I heard this word was when it was being used as noyes or noise, but regardless, they mean the same thing now. If I could abandon my subjectivity as a lexicographer for a moment, the crap pouring out of Jansens is horrible, and Im not just referring to the food. Its either country or soft n lite n slow n modern excrement that frankly sickens me more than what Im eating. Maybe its a diversion employed by Jansens intentionally. I just dont know.
Example: God! I can't even hear you speak over the >noyes!
Etymology: Aside from what is mentioned above, the word was clearly formed from a play on the word noise and the name of the Noyes Community Center.
- Jake Schlachter