Late-Night (noun)
/leyt nayt/
dinner after 8:30 pm.
I first encountered this term when I went to the dining halls and saw signs for Late-Night.
"I'm going to Late-Night for dinner."
I think that this term arose because of the need for a name of the later dining times at the dining halls. Instead of saying 'I'm going to dinner late at night,' one can just say 'I'm going to Late-Night.' Late-Night turns into a noun, and it is a more concise term for a later dinner. This term is probably not used outside of Cornell, because it is unique to the universities dining facilities.
- Jessica Robertson

Llenroc (noun)
Definition: a type of shale found in Cornell.
Attested: I first encountered this term in November of 1998, spoken by my Grandparents, who lived in Ithaca.
Example: "Willard Straight is made out of Llenroc."
Etymology: This term is Unique to Cornell, in fact, backwards Llenroc spell Cornell! The term came about probably because of the great amount of Shale found in Ithaca.
- George Durham

Lunatic (noun)
lun-a-tik; /lu@nĄtIk/
Definition: A magazine published by Cornell students twice a year featuring a variety of crazy articles.
Attested: I first this word last year when someone on Ho Plaza tried to convince me to buy one.
Example: "Wanna buy a Lunatic so you can see that there are actually people on campus crazier than you?"
Etomylogy: The name of the Magazine reflects its intended theme of craziness. The history of the word Lunatic involves the word moon in French (Latin?) and the old belief that people were made crazy by the moon.
- Krista Bendig