Date night (noun)
Definition: a double date times ten or Twenty or how ever many guys are unattached in a frat at the time. Basically all the guys in the frat ask one girl out on a date which he goes on with all his brothers and thier dates. It usually involves dinner and a show.
Attested: I first heard this term last year when my suite-mate was asked to go on date-night.
Example: "Mary is going to Bill's date night as a friend because he feels silly(Pathetic) for not having a date for the occasion."
Etymology: This term is fairly descriptive of the activity and obvious. However herd date might be more aprropriate.
- Krista Bendig

Deuce (noun)
pronounced like the deuce in a deck of cards; /dus/
Definition: A person who lives on the second floor of a dormitory.
Attested: I first heard the term when a member of the first floor was defending himself from the verbal jabs of a member of the second floor.
Example: "Shut up, you stupid deuce."
Etymology: When the first floor person was being made fun of he quickly needed a derogatory term to call his opponents and when grasping for straws.
- Michael Merrell